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OurJobNow is an employment platform for all sectors, specializing in freelance work.


You’re in the middle of your career?


We can enable you to use your skills outside your salaried job to supplement your income.


OurJobNow can also help you gain new experience and earn a higher salary with a more experienced profile.

Are you an employer?


For employers, OurJobNow lets you hire quickly, with greater flexibility and less risk.


Are you a contractor?


OurJobNow lets you put your knowledge to work by finding assignments with client companies.

Are you an experienced senior?


For seniors, OurJobNow lets you put your experience to good use by consulting for companies, with remuneration commensurate with your knowledge.


Are you a young person?


It’s sometimes difficult for young people with little professional experience to get the job of their dreams. With OurJobNow, you can gain work experience in a company in the sector that appeals to you, then improve your CV and land the ideal salaried job.


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  • Website has been verified
  • Phone has been verified
  • Location has been verified
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